BDB — Board Officers

  1. At the first meeting of the School Board after the District Voting in March, the Board shall elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. Candidates for Chairperson shall have served at least two years as a member of the Board.

Read More: BDB — Board Officers

BDD – Board-Superintendent Relationship

The School Board believes that policy-making is a primary function of the School Board and that the execution of those policies is the primary function of the Superintendent.

Delegation by the Board of its executive powers to the Superintendent provides freedom for the Superintendent to manage the schools within the Board’s policies and frees the Board to devote its time to policy-making and statutory functions.

Read More: BDD – Board-Superintendent Relationship

BDG — School District Attorney

The School Board recognizes that the increasing complexity of School District operations frequently requires procurement of professional legal services.

A decision to seek legal advice or assistance on behalf of the School District shall normally be made by the Superintendent or by persons specifically authorized by the Superintendent.

Read More: BDG — School District Attorney

BEDC — Quorum

A simple majority of the ConVal School Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

 Participating Electronically from a Remote Location

When it is not reasonably practical for a member to attend in person,

Read More: BEDC — Quorum

BEDG — Minutes

Under RSA 91-A, the school board, and each of the school board’s committees (whether standing or ad hoc, or whether deemed a sub-committee or an advisory committees) is required to keep minutes for every “meeting”

Read More: BEDG — Minutes

BGB: Policy Adoption

Except for policy actions to be taken on emergency measures, the adoption of School Board policies should follow this sequence which will take place at least at two regular or special meetings of the School Board:


Read More: BGB: Policy Adoption