BA – Evaluation Of Board Operational Procedures
The ConVal School Board will attempt to conduct a review of goals. The Board will establish annual goals and objectives that will serve as a benchmark and criteria for annual reviews.
Section B contains policies on the School Board – how it is appointed or elected; how it is organized; how it conducts meetings; how it operates.
The ConVal School Board will attempt to conduct a review of goals. The Board will establish annual goals and objectives that will serve as a benchmark and criteria for annual reviews.
The policies of the Board are intended to establish the general and overall rules within which day-to-day operations of the School District are to be governed. Procedures for carrying out and implementing the broad policies of the Board on a day-to-day basis are to be fashioned and adopted by the administration,
Read More: BAAA – School Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
State law provides that public schools will be operated and maintained by local School Boards. As agents of the state government, School Boards are required to carry out state laws pertaining to public education,
State law provides that public schools will be operated and maintained by local School Boards. As agents of the state, School Boards are required to implement state laws pertaining to public education and to carry out the rules of the State Board of Education.
The authority of individual School Board members is limited to participating in actions taken by the Board as a whole when legally in session. Board members shall not assume responsibilities of administrators or other staff members.
To become a candidate for the ConVal School Board, a person must be a registered voter in the district. No person holding the office of School Board member shall at the time hold the office of school district moderator,
If, for reasons of health, change in domicile, or any other compelling reason a member decides to terminate service, the Board requests earliest possible notification of intent to resign so that the Board may plan appropriately for a replacement.
Read More: BBBC – Board Member Or District Officer Resignation
School Board members may only be removed from office as provided in RSA 32:12 and RSA 42:1-a. RSA 32:12 prohibits School Board members from violating the provisions of RSA 32 relating to the expenditures of school district money.
In a cooperative school district, the remaining school board members representing the same town as the departed member shall fill a vacancy on the school board, provided that there are at least two such members.
A. General Policy
The Board will have one student school board member from Contoocook Valley Regional High School.
Student School Board members (“Student-members”) will not have the right to vote and will be excluded from all non-public sessions the Board enters.
Attend all regular scheduled Board meetings insofar as possible,
As elected officials, ConVal School Board members owe a duty of loyalty to the general public in protecting the school district’s interests. Therefore, the Board declares that a conflict of interest is a personal and/or pecuniary interest that is immediate,
Clerk of the District
The Clerk of the District shall be appointed annually by the School Board. The Clerk shall keep a true record of each District meeting and make any reports to the State of New Hampshire as required by law.
The School Board believes that policy-making is a primary function of the School Board and that the execution of those policies is the primary function of the Superintendent.
Delegation by the Board of its executive powers to the Superintendent provides freedom for the Superintendent to manage the schools within the Board’s policies and frees the Board to devote its time to policy-making and statutory functions.
Category: O
The ConVal School Board utilizes standing committees to consider issues, proposals, and tasks in a smaller venue to allow members to delve more deeply into issues than may be possible at full School Board meetings.
Read More: BDE – Committees and School Board Member Special-Duty Assignments
The School Board recognizes that the increasing complexity of School District operations frequently requires procurement of professional legal services.
A decision to seek legal advice or assistance on behalf of the School District shall normally be made by the Superintendent or by persons specifically authorized by the Superintendent.
The School Board shall meet at least once a month. Unless otherwise determined by Board action, regular meetings of the Board shall be held at SAU 1, Superintendent’s Office, on the first and third Tuesday of each month in a handicapped accessible location,
For the purposes of this policy, an emergency is defined as a situation where immediate undelayed action is deemed by the Chair to be imperative. In the event of an emergency meeting,
The ConVal School Board may meet in non-public session for any of the purposes set out in RSA 91-A:3. Upon a motion to enter a non-public session, the vote to enter non-public session shall be a recorded roll-call vote made in public session.
All School Board Meetings are open to the public. The School Board will announce at least 24 hours in advance (excluding Sundays and legal Holidays) through two public postings and,
Read More: BEDA — Public Notification of School Board Meetings
The Superintendent shall prepare all agendas for meetings of the Board. In doing so, the Superintendent shall consult with the Board.
Items to be placed on the agenda should be received by the Superintendent at least seven days prior to the meeting.
A simple majority of the ConVal School Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Participating Electronically from a Remote Location
When it is not reasonably practical for a member to attend in person,
Except as otherwise provided by law, by regulation of the State Department of Education, or by the School Board, meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order,
Under RSA 91-A, the school board, and each of the school board’s committees (whether standing or ad hoc, or whether deemed a sub-committee or an advisory committees) is required to keep minutes for every “meeting”
The primary purpose of School Board meetings is to conduct the business of the Board as it relates to school policies, programs and operations. The Board encourages residents – including our students –
In the absence of established School Board policy or School Board direction, the Superintendent of Schools shall assume responsibility for whatever decision or action is required. When appropriate, principals or other administrative or instructional personnel shall gain the approval of the Superintendent.
The School Board will develop policies and put them in writing so that they may serve as guidelines and goals for the successful and efficient functioning of our public schools.
The Board endorses for use in this District the policy development, codification, and dissemination system of the New Hampshire School Boards Association.
This system, is to serve as a general guideline for such tasks as policy research,
Except for policy actions to be taken on emergency measures, the adoption of School Board policies should follow this sequence which will take place at least at two regular or special meetings of the School Board:
In an effort to keep its written policies up-to-date so that they may be used consistently as a basis for School Board action and administrative decision, the Board will review its policies on a continuing basis.
Read More: BGC– Policy Review and Evaluation/Manual Accuracy Check
The policies of the School Board are subject to suspension only upon a majority vote of the entire Board membership at a meeting for which the proposed suspension has been described in writing,
The School Board desires to maintain open channels of communication between itself and the staff. The basic line of communication will, however, be through the Superintendent of Schools.
Staff Communications to the Board
All communications or reports to the Board or any Board committee from principals,
The School Board discourages its members from communicating to each other via electronic communication (e-mail) regarding official school district business. The Board will not use e-mail as a substitute for deliberations at Board meetings,
School Board and SAU staff shall make every feasible effort to assist the new member to become fully informed about the Board’s functions, policies, and procedures within six months of being seated on the Board.
A record of the actions of School Board meetings will be maintained at the SAU Office. The minutes of the Board will be kept in an official file and will include resolutions and motions.
Read More: BIB — School Board Member Development Opportunities
In keeping with its stated position on the need for continuing in-service training and development for its members, the Board encourages the participation of all members at appropriate school board conferences,
Read More: BIBA – Board Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops
All School District officers will be reimbursed in accordance with fees as established by the
District. Such fees will be provided for in the School District budget and will be plainly indicated in the
annual report.
Read More: BID — Payment for Services Rendered by School District Officers
The members of the School Board and its employees and agents act as agents of the District. None of these individuals should be placed in a position of personal liability for the performance of the responsibilities vested in them by the voters of the District and the state and federal governments.
It is the policy of the School Board to be a dues-paying member of the New Hampshire School Boards Association. The Board shall seek to participate as fully as possible in the activities of the New Hampshire and National School Boards Associations.
The School Board Chair will appoint a school board member to act as the liaison with school board associations. The liaison will keep the Board fully informed of the affairs of the New Hampshire and National School Boards Associations (NHSBA) and to keep these organizations informed,