IJK – Supplemental Materials Selection And Adoption



The School Board believes that movies, videos, other audiovisual materials and multimedia materials are important tools in the educational process. At the same time, the Board believes that the use of movies and videos should be limited so that they are used legally and appropriately in achieving legitimate educational objectives. Therefore, it is the Board’s purpose to have a policy that promotes the appropriate educational use of movies videos in schools by maximizing classroom instructional time, encouraging parental participation in the education process, and fostering community values.


It is Board policy to establish course curriculum and work in partnership with parents to promote an appropriate learning environment that reflects community values. Therefore, the following guidelines represent Board policy regarding how and when movies and videos may be used as an instructional strategy to supplement approved course curriculum.

Educational Relevance

The showing of movies and videos must be limited to a specific educational purpose. General selection criteria should include quality of the overall work, fair and accurate representation of the facts, the reputation and significance of the writer, director and/or performer, and critical acclaim of the work itself.

Administrator’s Authorization

At least five (5) days prior to the showing a full length movie, the instructor/teacher shall submit to the principal, in writing, the following information on the particular film:

  1. Title and brief description
  2. Purpose for showing the movie/video
  3. Match with course objectives
  4. Proposed date(s) of viewing
  5. When and how parents will be notified, or if necessary, grant consent
  6. Audience rating (G, PG, PG-13)

Age Appropriate Movies

Elementary Level: Only G rated movies may be shown without parental permission. However, parents must be notified that the movie will be shown in class. Any PG rated movie to be shown at the elementary level requires a signed, written consent from a parent/guardian that must be kept on file before the student may view the video.

Junior High Level/Middle School: Only G rated movies may be shown without parental permission. Any movie with a PG rating to be shown at the junior high/middle school requires parental/guardian notification. Any movie with a PG-13 rating to be shown at the junior high/middle school requires a signed, written consent from a parent/guardian that must be kept on file before the student may view the video.

High School: Only G, PG, and PG-13 rated movies may be shown without parental permission. Only certain segments having a valid educational purpose of any R rated movie may be shown. Any segment of an R rated movie to be shown at the high school requires a note signed by a parent/guardian that must be kept on file before the student may view the video.
The Board discourages the showing of any R rated movie in school. However, the Board also recognizes that some segments of certain R rated movies may have a valid educational purpose. Therefore, R rated movies are not to be shown in their entirety, and segments may be shown only if no other means of instruction can present the information. Signed, written permission must be granted by a parent/guardian before the student may view the video.


All District employees must comply with federal copyright laws, as well as publisher licensing agreements. A rented or privately owned movie or video may only be shown in the classroom provided “fair use” exceptions are satisfied:

  1. The movie or video is shown in the course of face-to-face teaching activities;
  2. The showing of the movie or video is directly related and of material assistance to the curriculum and lesson objectives;

Category: R

See also EGAD, IJ

1st Read: February 4, 2014
2nd Read: March 4, 2014
Adopted: March 4, 2014