ECF-R – Energy Management & Conservation

The following operating procedures include clear areas of responsibility for the conservation of electricity and fuel in ConVal District schools. Those areas are administration, building maintenance, building improvements, and transportation.

In all cases, operating procedures will be continually reviewed in an effort to achieve the most efficient use of energy resources.


Each school principal is responsible, as pertains to his or her building, in implementing, adhering to, and monitoring all energy conservation procedures approved by the Board.

The following measures to conserve fuel and electricity will be instituted in the schools by all staff members:


  1. During times when public use of school buildings is occurring, maintain thermostats at night set-back temperature settings for areas not in use.
  2. Allow sunlight to shine through windows on cold days and keep it out on warm, humid days.
  3. Close drapes and blinds after school hours to reduce heat loss through window areas in the winter and to keep heat out in summer.
  4. During the heating season keep classroom doors closed.
  5. Avoid blocking heating vents with furniture, draperies, and books.
  6. No supplemental electric heaters are permitted.
  7. Operate ventilation fans in kitchens and home economics classrooms only when cooking equipment is in operation.


  1. Post “TURN OFF LIGHTS” signs near or on each electrical switch.
  2. Turn off incandescent and fluorescent lights as soon as they are not needed.
  3. Reduce the use of corridor lighting after school hours.


  1. All non-essential appliances must be removed from classrooms by the end of the 2010-11 school year end.
  1. Curtail use of cooking electrical equipment, such as toasters and hot plates, except when needed for classroom instruction, in a nurse’s office, or in a Life Skills classroom.


  1. Encourage all students to ride school buses, form car pools or walk to school; discourage single-occupancy use of student cars.
  2. Emphasize compliance with the state’s no-idling law (Env-A 1100) with staff, students and parents.


  1. Turn off classroom lights, closet lights, computers, printers, and any other electrical equipment when leaving at the end of the day.
  1. Close all windows at the end of the school day; close curtains or shades during cool months when leaving for the day.



  1. Set thermostats at the degrees listed below:

Classrooms – 68°                                  Locker and shower rooms – 68°

Office areas – 68°                                 Shops  – 65°

Auditoriums – 65°                                  Lavatories, halls, and corridors – 68° or lower

Cafeterias – 68°

  1. Lower all thermostatic control settings to 60° during the evening, on weekends, and other times when buildings are not in use. Lower temperature below 60° when schools are  closed for an extended period, such as Christmas vacation.
  2. Install night set-backs on all heating plants.
  3. Utilize seven-day timers on heating plants and exterior lighting. Set timers up to minimize occupied or “on” times.
  4. Equip all facilities with automatic outside temperature control devices.
  5. Analyze the amount of fresh air being introduced into the school’s ventilation system. Fresh air should be reduced to the minimum level that meets state and local code standards.
  6. During unoccupied hours air-handling equipment should only operate to maintain unoccupied temperature set points. Establish a planned routine preventive maintenance program for all equipment.
  7. Assign all major inspection schedules to trained maintenance personnel.
  8. Maintain fans, pumps and compressors in the best possible operating condition.
  9. Carry out annual combustion analysis to assure optimum efficiency.
  10. Perform regular maintenance on boilers, including routine cleaning.
  11. Seal all openings around windows and doors through which warm air could escape.
  12. Reduce the capacity of showerheads to cut down on the amount of water used.
  13. Lower the temperature setting for hot water to the lowest acceptable level as determined by ASHRAE standards.
  14. Install low flow aerators on all kitchen and bathroom faucets.
  15. As soon as possible, convert to cold water detergents for cleaning purposes.


  1. Where the means of mechanical cooling is present, the thermostat set point should be set at 78° in classroom areas and 74° in the administrative areas.


  1. Instruct school custodians to turn off lights room by room as they complete their cleaning assignments.
  2. Reduce classroom lighting levels to an appropriate foot-candle maximum.
  3. As lamps are replaced, utilize “watt-miser” warm white fluorescent tubes.
  4. Reduce lighting levels in gymnasiums and multipurpose rooms.
  5. Decorate all rooms (walls, ceiling, and floors) with colors that reflect light.
  6. Reduce wattage on security lights.

Office Machines

  1. Wherever available use technology to utilize “sleep mode and auto shutoff” energy-saving enhancements for computers, copiers, and printers.


The following measure should be instituted on a best-return-on-investment basis:

  1. Where applicable, when considering renovations or upgrades to doors, windows, exterior walls, ENERGY STAR-rated materials and energy-efficient construction practices should be given priority.


  1. Work with transportation contractor to design bus routes that maximize fuel efficiency by utilizing buses to their maximum capacity and reducing the number of pickup points.
  2. Require transportation contractor to maintain all District vehicles and equipment to manufacturers’ recommendations, promoting the most fuel efficiency possible.

June 7, 2011