CB – School Superintendent


The Superintendent may delegate to subordinates any of his/her powers and duties that the School Board has entrusted to him/her, but in every instance that a power of duty is delegated, he/she shall continue to be responsible to the Board for the execution of the power or duty delegated.

The duties of the Superintendent are defined in his/her contract of employment, individual School Board policies, SAU policies, state statutes, and New Hampshire Department of Education Rules.

The School Board expects that the Superintendent, as the chief executive officer, has overall responsibility for:

1. The execution of Board policies.
2. The management of the work of all school departments, the duties of which, apart
from those required by law, the Superintendent shall assign.
3. The observance of all Board policies by all those persons employed by the District.
4. The enforcement of all provisions of the law relating to the operation of the schools or
other educational, social, and recreational agencies or activities under the charge of the Board.
5. Supervision and evaluation of building principals and SAU administrators.

Educational Leadership:

1. Provide a consistent and clearly stated philosophical basis for the development of the overall educational program.
2. In consultation with others, establish a set of priorities for the utilization of human, material, and financial resources in the development of the total program.
3. Demonstrate an awareness of the quality of the educational program.
4. Plan to provide the resources necessary for the achievement of the District’s mission and vision.
5. Defend and support subordinates against nonconstructive criticism.
6. Develop a system geared to inform and involve the School Board in the development of the educational program.
7. Bring major efforts for educational change before the public in a format that allows for constructive dialogue.

Educational Administration:

1. Develop and support the overall organizational structure of the school system.
2. Clearly define administrative and supervisory roles.
3. Review the basis for decisions and directions of others responsible to him/her (assistant superintendents, principals).
4. Maintain an environment that encourages communication with all stakeholders.
5. Develop and support effective advisory bodies within the organizational structure.
6. Maintain visibility in relation to both staff and public.

School Board:

1. Act as advisory and executive officer of the School Board.
2. Attend all regular Board meetings and designated subcommittees as requested.
3. Administer the schools in accordance with School Board policies and regulations.
4. Prepare the annual report to the School Board concerning the operation of the schools.
5. Keep the Boards informed of important legislation relating to schools.
6. Have a working knowledge of the law as it relates to School District operation.
7. Assist the School Board to develop and maintain policy manual and ensure that it is effectively used by all school personnel.

Personnel Administration:

1. Responsibility for the administration of all School Board personnel policies.
2. Recommend to the Board appointment of contractual employees deemed best qualified.

School Building Development Programs:

1. Utilize the assistance of principals, teachers, students, State Department of Education, and nonprofessional personnel in the total building program.
2. Provide the School Board with facts to assist its members in the multiple decisions a building program entails.
3. Convey to the architect (with assistance from an educational consultant) a clear, concise statement of the educational specifications to be fulfilled in the building.
4. Assist the School Board in presenting the program to the public.
5. Develop a financial plan for costs of construction, preparing bond issues, etc.

Business Management:
1. General responsibility for the management of the business affairs of the school district.
2. Responsibility for the preparation for the School Board the annual financial and statistical reports required by the law.
3. Be alert to the acquisition of state and federal revenues not ordinarily anticipated for the School District.
4. Organize and supervise a continuing building operation and maintenance program.
5. Prepare annually a detailed operating budget.
6. Assure that Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are in place.

Salary Negotiations and Master Contract Administration:

1. Provide the School Board with related information to assist its members in effectively negotiating periodic agreement with the ConVal Education Association and the ConVal Administration Association.
2. Act as a resource person in all matters relating to negotiations.
3. Monitor contract negotiation sessions.

Public Relations:
1. Develop and maintain a working relationship with the press with regard to news releases and general coverage of school programs.
2. Help to express and interpret the needs and successes of the educational program through public appearances and addresses.

Regulatory Reference:

N.H. Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 302.02, Substantive Duties of Superintendents
Appendix CB-R

Category: R

1st Read: September 17, 2013
2nd Read: October 1, 2013
Adopted: October 1, 2013