Dear Fellow Community Members,
The ConVal School Board wishes to thank you, the voters, for your continued support of our students, staff, and programming. Even three feet of snow, power outages, and a delayed vote could not stop your dedication to our community and our schools.
Voter approval of the 2023-2024 operating budget ensures a continued excellent and supportive education for the children of our district. For the Board and administration, this was a months-long process, developing a budget that is both educationally sound and fiscally responsible in financially difficult times. We also appreciate your support of all remaining articles, from the building capital reserve trust fund to the health maintenance trust fund.
Please help us welcome both new and re-elected School Board members: William Bryk (Antrim), R. Michael Hoyt (Bennington), Thomas John Kirlin (Francestown), Dan Harper (Hancock), Greg Kriebel (Peterborough), and Jim Fredrickson (Sharon).
Thank you again for your support. For a .pdf file with detailed results, please click here.
The ConVal School Board