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Thank You From The School Board To All In The ConVal Community

by the Members of the ConVal School Board

The following video presentation is dedicated to all those in the ConVal community who, in the words of one ConVal School Board member, organized “the absolutely superb, professional, timely, and unflagging response of the entire ConVal team during this unprecedented challenge.”

“No words can express our pride and gratitude for all you were able to make happen for the children of ConVal in such trying times,” noted another. “We realize that your own lives had been turned upside down as well and to try to create calm, confidence, creativity, and commitment to your students went above and beyond.”

One board member reflected on the exceptional “devotion to students, teaching, and ethic of care” demonstrated by faculty, staff, and support personnel: “What you have done is truly remarkable, and I am in awe of how you have all stepped up to the challenge!”

Other board members remarked on the teachers’ firm focus on students, despite the unsettling developments precipitated by the pandemic: “You always kept the ConVal kids in the center of your vision, and didn’t let go,” observed one. “I have heard many stories told by students, parents, and school leaders about your dedication and the beyond-the-call-of-duty efforts you made on behalf of students this spring,” wrote another. “Please wear your pride openly this summer, both as an individual and as part of a conscientious and devoted team.”

“As we all know, leadership can make a difference,” commented another member of the Board. “In ConVal’s case, we are truly blessed with a dedicated, responsive, and capable leadership team.”

Please enjoy this presentation and take pride in the tremendous work you all have accomplished.