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Update From The Education Committee

In keeping with the multiple action steps outlined in the District’s Strategic Plan, the Education Committee has been actively involved in guiding and monitoring the curriculum renewal cycle, program development, instructional practices, and professional development which provide our students with high-quality programs of instruction which promote their individual academic achievement and success and our staff with the professional development needed to enhance their teaching skills. Following are a sampling of some of the areas on which we have focused our attention.

At the high school level, based on a review of the math department courses and requirements, the Board recognized the need to enhance the math offerings, by requiring that all students participate in math classes until they pass both parts of Algebra as a graduation requirement. Support services to enable all students to meet this goal are being developed and implemented.

Following a review of our counseling services and current programs, our administrators and staff look to expand programming of our K-12 school counseling program with one area of focus centered on how we can better support students who have experienced trauma.

At the middle school level, following a review of the educational programs and practices at both buildings, staff and administrators reported out the results of the inquiry groups which had been investigating effective and innovative middle school teaching practices, and issues of equity in the middle school opportunities available in both buildings.

As our declining enrollment impacts our instructional programs at some of our elementary schools, multi-grade classes have been used to address under-enrolled classes; however, the use of multi-age has been investigated and is being piloted at our schools in Dublin and in Francestown. Based on the initial reporting out of their programs, the Board is continuing to explore this approach for its potential benefit to our students.

One of our Board Goals is to institute Universal Preschool in the District. Following a review of current programs and practices and the need for these services, our administrative team and teachers are proposing to expand our current half-day program to a full-time program for four-year-old students in the District. The proposed budget for 2020-21 includes funds to implement Phase I of this new program.

As we look to the future, know that the Education Committee is committed to providing our all our students and professional staff with the educational programs and resources which they need to develop their individual skills and abilities.