IHBBA – Limited English Proficiency Instruction

If the District receives federal funding for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Programs, the following will
be provided:

  1. Parents will be notified of their student’s placement in a language program and their options associated with that placement. Notification will include the reasons for identifying the child as LEP and the reasons for placing the child in the specific program.
  2. Students will participate in regular assessments in a manner that will yield an accurate assessment. Students who have been educated in the United States for one year are required to participate in a state reading/language arts assessment in English and all students are required to take math state assessment.
  3. As designated by statute, New Hampshire is an English only state. All instruction in the LEP will be done in English.
  4. Evaluation of the program and the academic success and language achievement of the students in the program. Parents will be notified of:

A. Their child’s level of English proficiency and how such level was assessed.
B. The status of their child’s annual academic achievement. (ACCESS)
C. The method of instruction used in the program in which the child is placed, 1:1 or small group.
D. Information as to how the program will meet their child’s educational strengths, assist him/her
to learn English, and meet age-appropriate academic achievement standards.
E. Exit requirements for the program.
F. If the child has a disability, a statement as to how the LEP will meet objectives of the child’s IEP as documented in related services.

Legal Reference:

P.L. 107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

Appendix IHBBA-R

1st Reading: May 27, 2008
2nd Reading: September 2, 2008
Adopted: September 2, 2008