JEB – Entrance Age

A student shall enter grade one if his/her chronological age will be six (6) before September 30 of the school year of entry.

A child may only enter Kindergarten if his/her chronological age will be five (5) before September 30 of the school year of entry.

Read More: JEB – Entrance Age

JFAM – Education of Military Children & Military Connected Students

A. Statement of Purpose and Definition.

It is the Board’s intent to remove barriers to the identification, enrollment, retention, and support in schools of military-connected students.

“Military-connected student” as used in this policy includes any student who is a dependent of a current or former member of:

  1. The US military serving in the Army,

Read More: JFAM – Education of Military Children & Military Connected Students

JH – Attendance, Absenteeism, And Truancy

School-aged children enrolled in the District must attend school in accordance with all applicable state laws and Board policies. The educational program offered by the District is predicated upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation in order for students to achieve academic standards and consistent educational progress.

Read More: JH – Attendance, Absenteeism, And Truancy

JIC – Student Conduct

Students have a responsibility to know and respect the rules and regulations of the school.

Students shall receive annually, at the opening of school, a publication (student handbook) listing the rules and regulations to which they are subject.

Read More: JIC – Student Conduct

JICDDA – Simple Assaults: Parental Notification Policy

In cases of all assaults, the building principal, or assistant, shall notify the involved students parents by telephone and letter about the incident. The letter from the building or assistant principal shall describe the incident and the seriousness and harm done or potential harm and the School District s response to the incident to the extent permitted by confidentiality laws and regulations.

Read More: JICDDA – Simple Assaults: Parental Notification Policy

JICFA – Hazing

This District does not permit or condone student hazing.  It is the policy of the District that no student organization, or any person associated with any organization sanctioned by the District shall engage or participate in hazing.

Read More: JICFA – Hazing

JJIB — Interscholastic Athletics

The Contoocook Valley School Board believes individual students will benefit through opportunities to grow physically and intellectually through their experience in self-discipline and their contribution to team effort made possible through competitive interschool and intramural team and individual sports activities.

Read More: JJIB — Interscholastic Athletics

JLCF – Wellness

Category: Priority/Required by Law Related Policies: EF, IMAH, JLC, JLCF & JLCI

The Board recognizes the importance of proper nutrition and developmentally appropriate physical activity as ways of promoting healthy lifestyles,

Read More: JLCF – Wellness

JLF – Reporting Child Abuse

Each school employee,  designated volunteer, or contracted service provider having reason to suspect that a child is being or has been abused or neglected, shall immediately report (or have the Principal or designee report) his/her suspicions to the Division for Children,

Read More: JLF – Reporting Child Abuse